by Genia Blum

The Russian ballet director, People's Artist ofUkraine, embraced me at the stage door like a prodigal daughter. He led me intoa labyrinth of corridors, up flights of stairs, through heavy doors, into thecool darkness of the empty stage.

The footlights went on, and the auditorium's chandelier began to glow, revealing gilded tiers of vacant, red plush seats.

Mute harmonies swelled from the orchestra pit.

An invisible audience clapped.

German officers in ornamented uniform saluted.

Before the arched proscenium, in bone-whitetulle and satin, my mother accepted accolades.

* * *

Outside, above the debris of Lenin's toppled statue, on the roof of Lviv's Opera House, Winged Glory balanced, arms outstretched, a golden palm branch raised above the laurels on her head.

Phantom trucks rolled from the Jewish ghetto.

In the forest, gunshots echoed.

Beyond the birch trees at the Polish border,souls escaped from smoking chimneys, blackening the sky.

* * * * *

Genia Blum is a Swiss-Ukrainian-Canadian dancer, writer, and translator. Her work has been nominated for the Pushcart Prize and for Best American Essays; and has appeared or is forthcoming in Assay: Journal of Nonfiction Studies, Asymptote Journal, Atticus Review, Bending Genres, Berfrois, (b)OINK zine, Creative Nonfiction Magazine (Tiny Truths), Essay Daily, Solstice Literary Magazine, Sonora Review, Queen Mob's Tea House, and Under the Sun. She lives in Lucerne, Switzerland and haunts Twitter and Instagram as @geniablum.